You simply download a free gift in exchange for your email address, knowing all the while that you can easily unsubscribe from all those emails you start getting with just the click of a button. Easy peasy!
But why should you take part in one? It’s the time-old question of “What’s In It For Me?” (WIIFM) Other than finding some freebies that you can download and may use either right away or, like too many of us, those freebies end up sitting on your hard drive, taking up room and never being used.
Every now and then I look at my hard drive, actually I now have more than one hard drive to scour through! I think, “Sheesh, I should just delete some of these files but then I think, like a hoarder, “But I might use it someday!” Does this sound like you? It seems we have become digital hoarders at times.
Then I realize there are so many giveaways and bundles and summits every month – it seems like almost every day, right? What’s the point, I ask myself, for going to another event and downloading even more free gifts that I may or may not ever use?
And dare I unsubscribe from some of these email lists because FOMO! Fear that I might miss out on something! Eeeek! A secret: go ahead and unsubscribe! There’s a really good chance you’ll end up on their list again at some point.
Which leads me to the title of this email: Why Should You Take Part In A Giveaway?
I’m sure you have recognized that there are hundreds/thousands of people who are ready to start a business every single day. Many of these people are asking the same questions you asked at one point in your life. And YOU now have the answers! You don’t need a bunch of degrees or titles. You don’t need more studying and preparing. What you DO need is the willingness to share what you know, and to be vulnerable. In other words, you must be willing to let your audience know about the challenges you have faced and how you worked through those challenges to get to where you are now.
The first questions to ask yourself are: Where are you now? What have you learned? What questions do others ask of you? And what questions do you see being asked in other areas that you can share your wisdom?
When you hear people ask for help, are you able to answer, and are you willing to answer? If so, then you, my friend, are already an “expert.” You only need to be about one step ahead of someone else in order to be able to help them, AND that they are willing to listen to you.
People don’t want to hear what the professionals say because they can’t relate. But you CAN. You are that much closer to where they are now so they don’t feel intimidated and they can hear what you have to share and they can learn from you.
And that is why you should think about being in a giveaway! Because you have knowledge to share and a giveaway gives you a ready-made audience with whom to share it.
There are many types of gifts you can offer in order to build your email list, and that’s where you will find your best audience, IOW those who want what you have to offer. They will buy from you and they will refer others to you.
When you’re ready to be in a giveaway and you want some help in figuring out what gift to offer, and then what to do with your email list after that, I invite you to join my upcoming giveaway. Just send me an email at jan@healerswholaunch.com and we can schedule a time to chat.